How To Make Kitchen Waste Compost


Have you recently started composting or are planning to start soon?

Do you have a lot of kitchen waste that just ends up going to the landfill?

Do you want to know if you can use these to create some good compost?

If you have never tried it out yet, this article can help you take your very first steps towards creating some really good and healthy compost using the waste that comes from your kitchen. In fact, you can use this article as a beginner’s guide to composting kitchen waste in easy steps.

Take a look at how the waste from your kitchen can be such a good ingredient for creating compost. Also read about how you can use this compost once it is ready to be used. Scroll through the detailed instructions on everything you will need and the complete how-to to create compost using kitchen waste.

Is kitchen waste good to add to your compost?

One of the most basic rules of composting is that, if something has once lived, or if it has come from the ground originally, you can use it as an ingredient for composting.  Here’s why the waste from your kitchen can be such a good ingredient for adding to the compost pile:

Option #1

Reduces the use of chemical fertilizers:

  • Composting the waste from your kitchen will reduce the need of any fertilizers for your plants.
  • Instead of harmful chemicals and toxins, you can add natural goodness to your plants.

Option #2

Adds more nutrients to the soil:

  • Kitchen waste is a great source of nitrogen which is very important in improving the quality of the compost.
  • The nitrogen will produce beneficial fungi and bacteria that will then break down the organic matter and add more nutrients.

Option #3

Reduces emissions in landfills:

  • More kitchen waste in the landfill means more methane emissions.
  • Instead, using this to create compost helps to reduce these emissions and reduces the carbon footprint.

Option #4


  • Creating compost at home means you will not have to buy any fertilizers.
  • A great way to saving money and reusing what you already have at home.

5 of the Best Kitchen Scraps for Composting

You can compost almost all the food that would otherwise go to waste. Here is a list of some of the most common food wastes that you can use as good ingredients for creating the compost:

Option #1

Peels and skin from fruits and vegetables:

  • The peels and skins of both fruits and vegetables will start to rot.
  • So, when you add them to your compost mix, these break down into humus.
  • This helps to speed up the composting process and also prevents any odours.  

Option #2

Rotten food or food that has gone bad:

  • This will also work on the same principle that when it enters the compost pile, it will keep rotting more.
  • As a result, it will break down into humus and speed up the composting process while reducing odours.

Option #3

Loose tea leaves:

  • Tea leaves are a great green ingredient for the compost pile and act as natural soil amendments.
  • These are very rich in their nitrogen content which helps to balance out the carbon from the brown matter.

Option #4

Coffee grounds:

  • Similar to the reason of using loose tea leaves for your compost mix, coffee grounds are also a great addition to the pile.
  • These are also rich in their nitrogen content which will help to create a good mix with the carbon that will come from the brown matter.
  • Having a good nitrogen and carbon balance helps speed up the composting process.   

Option #5


  • You can also add expired or mouldy bread to your compost pile.
  • This offer is also a great source of nitrogen and will help to speed up the process of composting.

How can you make compost out of your kitchen scraps?

Creating compost out of your kitchen waste is a very simple process that your entire family can come together and help create. This choice is also really easy for beginners to try out, so have a look.

How to Make Compost from Kitchen Waste (QUICK & EASY)

Complete list of materials and equipment needed

  • Compost drum/bin/tumbler
  • Container to collect kitchen waste through the day
  • Dry waste such as dried leaves, shredded paper or sawdust 
  • Stick/shovel to turn the mix for compost bin

Step by Step Instructions

1. Collect kitchen waste for the entire day to get a good amount of wet waste for the compost pile.

2. Add a layer of dry/brown waste for the base of the compost pile.

3. Ratio should be about 75 percent wet waste and about 25 percent dry waste.

4. Cover the top of the compost bin to keep the contents moist.

5. Turn the compost mix at least once every day. If you have a compost tumbler, you can simply close it and give it a spin. Do this at least once a day.

6. Once the mix inside the bin is dark and rich in colour and has a nice, crumbling texture, your compost mix is ready.

5 Important Tips to Ensure Your Compost is Healthy & Safe to Use

Option #1

Have the right nitrogen and carbon mix:

  • It is important to add the right balance of green and brown matter to your compost pile.
  • The right amount of nitrogen and carbon will help to speed up the composting process.

Option #2

Don’t add huge pieces:

  • While adding the waste to the compost pile, make sure you first shred some ingredients (such as cardboard, white and black newspaper or peels) into smaller bits.
  • If you are adding eggshells, ground them as fine as you possibly can.

Option #3

Add the right amount of water:

  • Regularly sprinkle water to the compost pile to keep it moist.
  • If it is too wet or too dry, the things in the pile will not break down properly and the compost will not turn out healthy.

Option #4

Turning the mix is very important:

  • Stir the compost mix regularly, at least once a day, as this will help to speed up the process.
  • If you are using a compost bin, use a stick or shovel to turn the mix in such a way that all the ingredients mix up.
  • If you are using a compost tumbler, turn it at least once or twice a day, or as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.   

Option #5

Do not add waste that may have chemicals:

  • While adding plant remains, make sure that they have not been treated with pesticides/chemicals.
  • If you are not sure about the health of the ingredient, avoid adding it to the compost.

Now that you know just how to use your food waste and turn it into precious matter for soil, we’re sure you will give the composting process a try. Just remember that the final compost will depend on various factors such as the quality of the ingredients that you are using, the way you are doing the composting process and also the kind of weather you are in.

So, even if the compost that you are making using kitchen waste does not turn out absolutely great the first few times, don’t give up. Keep trying and putting the food and kitchen waste to good use, and soon, you will be rewarded with some amazing nutrient-rich compost for your plants. 

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