Why Should You Compost


Why is composting important?

How much of the world practices composting?

Is the number growing, or is it declining?

Why compost at all?

Composting is an extremely important way many individuals and corporations alike can make a difference in the environment. Composting is helpful in that it cuts down on waste while creating nitrogen-rich environments for plants to grow.

When composting, food waste is broken down and creates nitrogen, which can be added to the soil to help enrich it for new growth. This cycle continues and allows plants to grow organically without the need for chemical additives.

Composting rates are on the rise around the world, with some countries embracing the concept of composting more than others. In portions of the United States, as much as 20% of waste is composted annually, although some states still do not participate in composting programs.

India, Europe, and Australia are also increasing their composting efforts every year. Since composting is easy, efficient and beneficial on a small scale as well as a large one, there are many reasons why countries around the world are working to improve composting.

If you’re looking for a good reason to try composting, check out the information in the article below to find out more.

Reasons for Composting

You may find yourself wondering if it’s really worthwhile to try composting. After all, how much can it really make a difference in the environment or in your own household?

Here are some of the most common reasons people tend to try composting:

Option #1

Help fight against global warming and climate change.

When composting, decomposing materials draw carbon from the atmosphere and cut down on methane emissions as well. Reducing carbon and methane gasses can have a direct effect on global warming and can help, over time, to halt the negative effects of climate change as well.

Option #2

Grow healthier plants, crops, and flowers.

It’s no secret that composted material makes great fertilizer! When you use composted soil for your crops and flowers, you’re giving your plants plenty of nutrient-rich soil, and you’re making it especially easy for plants to get the nitrogen they need to grow healthy and strong. These plants often last longer and stay hardier than those grown without composted soil.

Option #3

Sustain a low- or zero-waste lifestyle.

If you’re looking for a way to cut down on the waste you and your household produce every day, composting can help. You may be able to go to a completely no-waste lifestyle when you combine composting with other methods of waste reduction—but even if you don’t, you’re still cutting down, and that’s what counts.

Option #4

Garden organically.

Organic gardening is important for anyone who doesn’t want to consume chemicals in their food. When you use compost for fertilizer, you can grow stronger plants without the need for chemicals in the soil or for chemical treatments to the plants.

Option #5

Reduce organic materials in landfills.

Although organic matter isn’t as significant of an issue in landfills as some other types of waste, cutting down on this type of material at dump sites can still help improve the quality of the surrounding groundwater. When you compost, you won’t be dumping as much organic waste, so you’ll be helping the situation at the landfill, too.

Option #6

Save money.

Of course, some benefits of composting are personal ones, and saving money is one of those! You won’t have to spend as much money on fertilizers when you compost, and you’ll be able to eat more of your own home-grown vegetables too. On a slightly bigger scale, you may even cut down on the number of trash bags you have to buy each year.

Option #7

Turn waste into something beneficial.

Waste is a huge issue in the United States and around the world. With composting, you can make waste become something helpful and beneficial with very little overall effort.

Option #8

Model eco-friendly behavior for children in the household.

If you’re looking for a way to teach your kids how to be more eco-friendly and how to protect the environment, composting is a way to get the whole family involved. Help kids learn which food items can go into the compost bin, and ask older kids to carry the compost out to the pile as well. Kids probably shouldn’t be involved in heating and turning the compost, but they can learn about the other steps safely and become a part of the effort, too.

Option #9

Make home gardening more convenient.

It’s a lot more convenient to make your own fertilizer and simply add it to the soil around your plants than it is to go out and purchase complicated fertilizers from a store. You’ll be able to create a small but sustainable cycle in your own backyard, and you won’t even have to worry about buying confusing items to make it happen!

Option #10

Encourage household members to cook and eat at home more often.

If your household has a problem with eating at home often, keeping a compost bin can help. When you grow your own plants, you’ll be more inclined to eat at home instead of going out to eat. And when you have compost to help make those plants grow strong and healthy, you’ll have plenty to eat, too.

Option #11

Last but not least, give yourself a good feeling when you know you’re doing your part.

It feels nice to know you’re making a difference for the better, and a little bit of positivity in your life is always a good benefit, too. You may even be able to spread this feeling to others when you get them involved in the composting initiative, too.


Now that you’ve learned a little bit about the reasons why you should consider composting, you may be ready to get out there and start right away. But remember, composting takes a little research, and it’s important to find out all the information you can before you begin. For example, your local area may not accept composted materials anywhere, so you’ll need to find a way to use them in your home or yard instead. And some food items may not compost as well as others, so you should brush up on this information before you get started.

But is there anything else you need to know about the process? Are there any downsides to composting? Here are a couple to keep in mind:

  • Composting is a lot of effort. You’ll need to keep a bin indoors, then carry the compost items outside to the pile. When you have enough to compost, you must heat and turn it to compete the process.
  • Just because composted soil is nutrient-rich, that doesn’t mean it contains all the nutrients your plants need to grow strong and healthy. Keep this in mind when planning when, where, and how to use your compost.

Although there are some downsides, the benefits greatly outweigh the disadvantages. When you’re trying to decide whether or not to compost, it’s probably a good idea to just go ahead and give it a try. You may be surprised at how simple it can be when you get the hang of it, and you’ll be pleased with the results for yourself, your plants, and your environment, too.

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