Compost Bread


Are you interested in the composting lifestyle?

Have you ever found yourself wondering what you can and can’t compost safely?

Do you often want to know if it’s possible to compost your leftover or uneaten bread?

Although it may seem a bit counterproductive to argue about what can and can’t be composted, many people who live a composting lifestyle are unsure whether or not to add bread to their bins.

There is a lot of misinformation about bread when it comes to composting, so it’s important to brush up on the facts when trying to determine whether or not to compost bread in your household.

In this article, we’ll show you all the basics of bread composting so you can make the decision for yourself and your family. Read on to learn more!

Confusion About Bread Composting

Why are some people unsure about whether or not bread can be composted? Here are a few questions you may have asked about the ability to compost bread:

Is bread natural enough to be composted?

  • Absolutely! Bread is natural and can easily be added as a green compost material. You can compost bread that is still fresh (although you should consider eating it instead!), bread that has gone stale, or bread that has molded. All of these are perfectly safe to add to the composting pile.

Are there too many additives in bread to compost safely?

  • No; the additives present in bread are safe for humans to eat, so they’re safe for adding to the composting pile. For the most part, they will break down and dissipate in the compost pile as the process occurs. They won’t really affect your compost in any way, positive or negative.

Does gluten affect composting abilities?

  • Gluten does not change the ability for bread to be composted. Even if you are a gluten-sensitive person, you don’t have to worry about gluten being present in the compost. This option will break down along with all of the other matter present in the pile. If any gluten remains after the fact (which is very unlikely), it will be in the soil and not absorbed by the fruits or vegetables you grow.

Is it even physically possible for bread to be composted?

  • Definitely! Bread breaks down quickly and easily. There’s no reason not to add it to your composting pile, and it will really only help encourage the growth of microorganisms that can make your compost much more efficient and beneficial, too.

Can You Compost Bread?

Keep the following information in mind when trying to determine whether or not you should compost your bread:

What is the process of bread composting like?

  • Bread composting is just like composting any other solid food waste. You simply add it to the pile along with the other necessary requirements and wait for the composting process to occur.

Bread can be added with soil, moisture, air, and heat to encourage growth of microorganisms.

  • These microorganisms then work to eat the decomposing material and break it down into granules that can be mixed into soil to make it more nutrient-dense than it was before.
  • This soil is also rich in nitrogen, which is crucial for the healthy growth of crops, flowers, and all plants as well.

What are some important tips and suggestions to keep in mind when composting bread?

  • When you’re putting bread in your composting pile outdoors, dig a small hole in the center of the pile and add bread with other solid food waste to this part of the pile. This way, pests will be less likely to notice it, and the food will break down more quickly, too.
  • Bury the solid waste—bread included—in the soil or use sawdust to cover it up. If you’re also composting leaves or grass, you can cover it with these materials instead.

What is the best way to compost bread?

  • There’s nothing special you need to do when you add bread to your composting pile. Simply throw it in the bin with the other organic waste materials, then add it to the composting pile outdoors and put it through the composting process the same as you would any other items.
  • It can be helpful, however, to break your bread down into small chunks before adding it to the bin or the pile. This way, it doesn’t take up as much room overall, and it will also break down even faster since it’s already in little pieces.
  • Until you can compost your bread, you should keep it in the refrigerator to prevent insects from finding it.

How long does it take for bread to break down?

  • It doesn’t take bread very long at all to break down. Get a piece of bread wet sometime and see for yourself just how quickly it turns into small granules. Composting bread is no different, and once it’s added to the outdoor pile with some moisture and heat, it will decompose in no time. However, when it’s still in the indoor bin, bread may not start breaking down and may remain intact, which can lead to some issues we’ll discuss in the next point. Overall, however, bread is not a long-lasting additive to your composting pile.

What are some issues to look out for?

  • Bread may attract pests to the composting pile. Rodents, mites, and flies are all drawn to bread, even when it’s decomposing, and they may become an issue for home compost piles. Bread may also mold easily and introduce mold to the compost bin, too. When it’s in the outdoor pile, this isn’t really an issue and can sometimes even be a benefit; when it’s inside, however, this is a big problem.

How can you resolve issues like those listed in the previous point?

  • Keep your compost in a bin with a locking or otherwise very tightly sealed lid when you have it indoors. The compost bin should not be able to be accessed by rodents or insects. This also works for keeping pets out of it!
  • When you take your compost to an outdoor pile, you may want to consider enclosing it in something. A small outdoor enclosure can make a big difference in preventing pests from infesting your compost pile. However, keep in mind that this may also affect the efficiency of the composting process, too.


So, are you convinced? Is it time to start composting bread? Here are a few benefits of adding bread to your composting pile:

  • Since food waste contributes to much of the waste found in landfills, it’s important to compost as much of it as you can. You’ll cut down on food waste when you do this.
  • Bread doesn’t cause any imbalances in your composting pile and is safe to add.
  • Bread breaks down quickly when moisture is added to the composting pile, so it’s a nice way to get the composting process started.
  • Many people have leftover bread that never gets eaten, so rather than tossing it out, you can put it to work for you in your composting pile.
  • Finally, bread adds just as many benefits to the compost pile as any other type of organic solid waste.

Keep all this in mind when you try to decide what to do with your uneaten bread.

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